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Gherghesenon Center for Support and Rehabilitation of People with Mental Disorder

  • Legal Name: Gherghesenon Center for Support and Rehabilitation of People with Mental Disorder
  • Fundraising Since: 02 feb 2024
  • Registraition number: 2233

Gherghesenon Center for Support and Rehabilitation of People with Mental Disorder is local charity association that is established to support needy, helpless persons living around religious facilities and on streets and those suffering from mental disorder and living on streets. Ato Melese Ayele is the father and the founder of Gergesenon and he has done a lot to bring the association to this level and now it is every person’s responsibility to follow his footsteps to give hope for those opportunity neglected mental patients and show them our love and care.

Gergesenon mental disability center has collected 262 severe mental patients from streets for the last 10 years, out of these patients 85 were fully recovered and rejoined their society and went back to their old routines. The main focus of Gergesenon is to collect mental patients from streets and different religious destinations as to provide them shelter, food, medication and to look after them like the family of their own. But the feeding situation is a serious problem for Gergesenon as there is no income or fund from the government or any other body, patients are being fed by volunteers or visitors so there are times that the patients don’t get food if volunteers or visitors are not available and this has been the challenge for the center and it remains vial unless the center gets constant income.

Gherghesenon has been registred in Wegenfund and you can support this good cause from any where in the world.
