
Rejuvenate Ethiopia

  • Legal Name: Rejuvenate Ethiopia
  • Fundraising Since: 03 jun 2024
  • Registraition number: 6138

Rejuvenate Ethiopia is youth led nonprofit organization established in 2022 based in Ethiopia aiming food security, clean drinking water, providing health care services along with promoting the importance of education where IDPs and Refugees found. Our organization provides ES & NFI to the victims specifically focuses on WOMEN and CHILDREN.

Recent Causes

Please, help us to help others

    Ways you can support us

  1. You can simply use the Donate to RejET button above and we will apply the funds to any of the causes as we see fit.
  2. Alternatively, you can select a cause that appeals to you more, and give as generously as you can. And, don't forget to inform others, too.
  3. Finally, to go the extra-mile, you can Start a new cause to fundraise from your friends and family.

Whatever you choose, thank you!
