
Amen Charitable organization

  • Legal Name: Amen Charitable organization
  • Fundraising Since: 30 dec 2021
  • Registraition number: 4141

Amen Charity Organization was founded in 2017, as an indigenous non-government, non-profit humanitarian voluntary organization, to play its part in addressing some of the issues associated with the overwhelming cases of orphans, abandoned and destitute children. One of the services being offered is an orphanage that provides shelter, clothing, food and medical care for up to fifty children per year.

Other offers include the supply of school fees and transportation services for the affected youth. These services will continue until the beneficiaries' complete their higher education. Furthermore, Amen plans to provide training on different topics, as well as, the supply of seed money for the children's families and/or guardians. The beneficiaries' are the mothers of orphaned, abandoned and destitute children. Through training, and some start-up capital, twenty-five women were enabled to participate in this program to continue their sustainability.

Recent Causes

Please, help us to help others

    Ways you can support us

  1. You can simply use the Donate to Amen Charity button above and we will apply the funds to any of the causes as we see fit.
  2. Alternatively, you can select a cause that appeals to you more, and give as generously as you can. And, don't forget to inform others, too.
  3. Finally, to go the extra-mile, you can Start a new cause to fundraise from your friends and family.

Whatever you choose, thank you!
