Ladies and gentlemen I need your urgent support please help me

  • Started by: Abdissa integrated community development Organization
  • For: AICDO LOGO.jpg
  • Started on: 30 dec 2023
  • Closing Date: 29 mar 2024

Ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Mulugeeta Asfaw, and I stand before you not just as an individual, but as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. I come from humble beginnings, born as a single child in Wallagga, with no siblings to accompany me on life's journey.

My life took a turn as I dedicated myself to serving our nation, shouldering the responsibility of Deputy Commander of Pressure in the Defense Forces during a pivotal period in our history. With the winds of change, I continued to serve, transitioning to roles in Benishangul and later finding myself in Finland in 1993.

Life had its plans for me, diverse and challenging. I toiled as a driver, construction foreman, and served in various capacities within local and foreign NGOs. Yet, in 2007, a sudden twist of fate struck me down, paralyzing me and altering the course of my existence.

For over eight long years, I've battled this adversity, each day a testament to the power of faith and perseverance. I stand here not to seek pity or sympathy but to implore, as one citizen to another, for your support. I seek not just physical rehabilitation but the means to regain a semblance of normalcy.

I invoke the kindness within your hearts, in the name of God, to extend your helping hand. Your support will not only aid in my recovery but also serve as a beacon of hope, gratitude, and faith in the goodness that exists within our communities.

For those who have already lent their support, I am forever indebted and eternally grateful. Your kindness has been the guiding light through the darkest of times, and I stand here today, a testament to the impact of compassion and solidarity.

I believe in the power of community, in the empathy that binds us together as humans. With your assistance, I aspire not only to recover but to pay forward this kindness, ensuring that the world becomes a better place for everyone.

Thank you for listening, for your consideration, and for being a part of this journey towards healing, hope, and the triumph of the human spirit.

May God bless you all abundantly.

Mulugeeta Asfaw

Collections so far

(Rounded figure - does NOT affect actual money deposited)

ETB 40 of ETB 1,000,000 0%